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2.2 Integrating Keywords

We'll learn how, when, and where to put keywords within the content we create.

At this point in your training, you know how to find keywords to target with your content, and you know how to structure that content for maximum SEO impact. Now we’re going to bring that all together, and learn how, when, and where to put keywords within the content we create.

Your to do's

For your homework after this video, try integrating some keywords into one of your stories on StoryChief.

Put them in all the right places, and see if you can get lots of green marks from the SEO checker.

When you’re done with that, come back here and we’ll learn about a few more little things you can do to make your content perform even better in search.

Up next

2.3 Metadata and More

There are a few more things you can do to optimize your content even more. We’re going to cover those in this video.

Series episodes

SEO writing fundamentals - Introduction
SEO writing fundamentals - Introduction
Understanding Google Search
Understanding Google Search
1.1 How Google Works
1.1 How Google Works
1.2 The 3 types of SEO
1.2 The 3 types of SEO
1.3 All About Keywords
1.3 All About Keywords
Creating SEO Content
Creating SEO Content
2.1 Understanding Readability
2.1 Understanding Readability
2.2 Integrating Keywords
2.2 Integrating Keywords
2.3 Metadata and More
2.3 Metadata and More
Measuring SEO
Measuring SEO
3.1 Tools and Methods to Measure SEO Success
3.1 Tools and Methods to Measure SEO Success
4. Wrapping UP
4. Wrapping UP
Writing the perfect blogpost with StoryChief
Writing the perfect blogpost with StoryChief