All coursesSEO Fundamentals for writers

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Writing the perfect blogpost with StoryChief

As any good marketer knows, writing good articles that generate traffic and increase reach is the base of any reliable content marketing strategy, however this is often easier said than achieved.Thanks to the StoryChief's editor and its built-in SEO checker, you don't need to waste hours improving the SEO and readability for your articles and optimising your blog articles will become a child's play once more.

Follow this tutorial to find out how to use StoryChief's editor to its full potential and learn some extra useful tips.

Some of what you will learn:

  • Optimising an article to 100% SEO/Readability scores together
  • Optimising meta data
  • Converting readers into leads
  • Making your articles modern and interactive

Your to do's

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Series episodes

SEO writing fundamentals - Introduction
SEO writing fundamentals - Introduction
Understanding Google Search
Understanding Google Search
1.1 How Google Works
1.1 How Google Works
1.2 The 3 types of SEO
1.2 The 3 types of SEO
1.3 All About Keywords
1.3 All About Keywords
Creating SEO Content
Creating SEO Content
2.1 Understanding Readability
2.1 Understanding Readability
2.2 Integrating Keywords
2.2 Integrating Keywords
2.3 Metadata and More
2.3 Metadata and More
Measuring SEO
Measuring SEO
3.1 Tools and Methods to Measure SEO Success
3.1 Tools and Methods to Measure SEO Success
4. Wrapping UP
4. Wrapping UP
Writing the perfect blogpost with StoryChief
Writing the perfect blogpost with StoryChief